Roddy Lanigan, Eric Lanigan, Erica Warlick, & Jean Booras. |
One of the things Florida homeowners
often say when they come in for a consultation with experienced Florida attorneys Eric Lanigan and Roddy Lanigan is that they
wish that they would have come in sooner and hadn’t waited so long to get help.
When you know that you’re
not going to be able to pay your mortgage, but you want to keep your home and
you’ve maintained a regular payment schedule, make an appointment to see Eric
Lanigan or Roddy Lanigan at Lanigan and Lanigan P.L.
There are 5 ways to
prevent foreclosure in Florida. Come in to meet with Eric or Roddy and you’ll
be able to prevent foreclosure by a range of actions:
- See an attorney
in a formal legal consultation to discuss the options
- As soon as a Florida homeowner knows that the mortgage
is not going to be paid or feels that the amount due is stretching your budget
see an attorney.
- If your income changes from any of the following issues,
begin saving, budgeting and cutting back on any unnecessary bills.
- Usually there’s a major life-changing financial issue
that affects a homeowner’s ability to pay the mortgage. A common problem
includes any of the following:
Losing a job
The loss of:
o Social
o Disability
o Alimony
o Child
o Feelance
o Second
or side job
Getting a medical issue not covered by insurance
Car accident or injury with long-term disability
Consider a mortgage workout to refinance your home mortgage.
Change your financial habits with a strict
budget that includes saving money.
Let Eric Lanigan and Roddy Lanigan create a viable mortgage
workout program complete with applications for government programs, principal
forgiveness, debt reduction, second mortgage elimination, credit card debt
elimination and many other very carefully planned options to present to the
banks on your behalf.
Don't Do It Yourself: Saving Your Home is NOT a DIY Project
Don't be proud and think that you can go toe-to-toe with the bank attorneys and financial experts.
Don’t try completing
paperwork on your own for programs like HAMP (Home Affordable ModificationProgram. 98% of all homeowners who complete the forms alone are turned down due
to incomplete and incorrect form completion.
Other reasons for turndowns
include an inability to reach the proper person at the bank and the inability
to provide an attractive financial alternative mortgage package to the bank.
The Lanigans have an
extensive amount of experience in creating packages for homeowners to the banks.
They will be more adept at knowing what the banks will accept vs. what you as a
homeowner can put together to appeal to the banks to make them interested in
accepting an alternate payment plan.