Eric Lanigan, Winter Park, Florida, foreclosure lawyer talks about cases
where the bank claims in the foreclosure action that it doesn't have the
original note because it was lost.
Often, the bank will say the note really
wasn't lost, that it was destroyed or misplaced in the securitization process.
First: Where is the Note?
The reality is it doesn't really matter if it was destroyed because
under the Florida statute that deals with establishing the validity of a lost
instrument, the note can either be destroyed or it can be a situation where the
whereabouts are just unknown.
It can be a situation where the whereabouts are unknown but in the
possession of someone who shouldn't have it and refuses to relinquish it. So
you can have anyone of those situations and it falls under the lost note
statute. So you have to prove one of those things to begin with.
Second: Proof the Note Wasn't Transferred
The second thing that the bank has to prove is that the note was not
transferred by the person who last had lawful physical possession of the note
to somebody else. This is significant when the copy of the note, which
theoretically the lender does have in a foreclosure action, but they just can't
produce the original.
It may show that it was a blank endorsement. In other
words the endorsement just says, “pay to the order of” and then, it's a blank
and then the original lender has signed it.
Third: What are the Terms of the Note?
The third thing that the bank must establish-- it's a multi-part third
element--is what are the terms of the note. In other words, how much is it for?
What's the interest rate and what's the payment schedule?
They have the right to enforce the note. In other words, one of those
other things has not occurred. That there wasn't a lawful transfer of the note
by someone in possession before it allegedly was supposed to be transferred to
the bank now seeking to enforce it.
Prove One, Two, Three
The bank has to prove all three of these elements proving competent
evidence through documents and testimony that comply with the rules of
If you get served with foreclosure papers or you've got a pending
foreclosure and there's a count in there to establish a lost note, you need to
get to someone who's competent in the rules of evidence and how to cross
examine people in court.
Lanigan and Lanigan. Experienced attorneys with a personal touch. 407-740-7379